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At King’s Landing, the wight is presented to the Lannisters and their supporters. Cersei demands Jon’s neutrality in the Great War, but he upholds his oath to Daenerys, provoking Cersei to end discussions. Tyrion meets privately with Cersei, apparently gaining her alliance. Cersei later reveals to Jaime that she really intends to use the Golden Company of Braavos to secure her hold on Westeros. Disgusted, Jaime deserts her and rides north. Aboard a ship bound for White Harbor, Jon and Daenerys make love. At Dragonstone, Theon earns his men’s respect and leads them to rescue Yara. At Winterfell, Littlefinger sows dissent by exploiting Arya’s threatening demeanor toward Sansa, leading to a trial. To his surprise, a united Sansa, Arya, and Bran accuse Littlefinger of murder, conspiracy, and treason, which Bran confirms with his visions. Deserted by the Lords of the Vale, Littlefinger is sentenced to death by Sansa and executed by Arya. Samwell arrives at Winterfell and meets with Bran. They discuss Jon’s parentage and through Sam’s earlier research and Bran’s visions, they extrapolate that Jon is a trueborn Targaryen named Aegon, the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne. His parents — Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark — married in secret. At Eastwatch, the Night King, astride the undead Viserion, blasts a hole through the Wall with blue dragon fire, allowing the Army of the Dead to march through.