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In 1926, Newt Scamander arrives in New York by boat, carrying a mysterious suitcase that is home to dozens of magical creatures. In the streets of New York, he comes across Mary Lou Barebone preaching about the existence of witches and other magical people. While Newt listens to Mary Lou, a Niffler, a small furry creature attracted to precious metals and gems, escapes from his suitcase and runs into a bank. Newt chases after it, causing mayhem everywhere and inadvertently dragging along a “No-Maj” named Jacob Kowalski, a World War I veteran and canning factory worker who is at the bank seeking a loan for a bakery. After retrieving the Niffler from the bank vault, Newt takes Jacob outside and prepares to obliviate him, but Jacob strikes him with the suitcase and escapes. Porpentina “Tina” Goldstein, a demoted auror, arrests Newt and takes him to Seraphina Picquery, the president of MACUSA (The Magical Congress of the United States of America), who dismisses them as unimportant.